Racism: Why do good? Even for those who don’t even know us?


    Discrimination is a worldwide crisis and racial discrimination most common in nearly every country in the world. 
    These deeply-rooted disregards have destroyed one's personality, health (physical and mental), and assets. People were killed solely due to their race, which can be seen in the WASHINGTON POST news article that "black lives matter is a global cause" The article states that cops are murdered and executed based on racial disparities. Incidents of discrimination were documented, particularly in the United States and other continents.
Racism: Why do good? Even for those who don’t even know us?

    It has been clear since time started that people are bigotry based on race, ethnicity, class or religion, etc., and have been discriminated against. You do not even know that by commenting or judging your thoughts, ideas, opinions, or color, someone discriminated against the other. The explanation is not knowing-less knowledge and aversion to other feelings regarding prejudice. A sound, a look, or a phrase could harm the feelings of an individual or, at worst, could give a person mental disturbance. You can see how a word, sentence, or gaze can harm or attack self-esteem and ruin someone's life. We also have a number of identities, including a personal identity and social identity, but often we identify so deeply with these identities that they become our core beliefs. Imagine a world where one's personality is not respected and sensitive. 
    Citizens have still respected their human rights but today's society still poses the issue of discrimination. Studies have found that America's Black people are 2,5 times more likely to be murdered than their White Brothers (Bargh and Chartrand, 1999). Discrimination's social effect was that individuals frequently attempt suicide or endure physical, mental, or sexual violence.
Deaths and damage to one's physical and psychological well-being are ethical acts to deter and encourage and enforce universal human rights.

Racism: Why do good? Even for those who don’t even know us?

The two primary explanations for addressing the global crisis are:

1. Fair access to jobs, services, and schooling is restricted to individuals, and prejudice impacts public health.
2. Racism creates a society in which individuals have little faith and reverence.
Research undertaken by over 800 students from Australian high school revealed that bigotry has tremendous consequences on young people, including:

  •         Constant experiences of sorrow, frustration, depression and loss.
  •         Headaches, heart rate rise, sweating, tremors and stiffness in muscle.
  •         A continuous fear of physical or verbal assault.
  •         Don't want to go to school.
  •        Have little to no trust in everyone but the family.

These effects can reduce the willingness of people to work or research and achieve their potential objectives. Fair access to work, services, and schooling are restricted to individuals who are still affected by the racism of general health.
Race conflict doesn't affect either one or two of us as it arises - they control all of us... as Australians neighbors, working partners, friends, and colleagues. Racism creates a society in which individuals have little faith and reverence.
It reduces us as a people when it is permitted to thrive. Remember the Stolen Generations... the strategy of White Australia. These are the hideous days of our history. We must be careful to ensure that those incidents will never happen anymore.
Racism has no grounds or explanations. It is false. And bigotry is counter to the law in many instances. See the "What does the law say" factsheet for more detail.

  •          If you witness bias, find out in the factsheet "What can you do?" what you can.
  •          Whether at school, in public, or online you see bigotry happening, stand up.
  •         You can help in many healthy ways. See more on the factsheet "What you can do?"

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